Tuesday, February 9, 2010

John McCain's Campaign Manager Rick Davis: Enemy of Freedom and Democracy

Remember how in the summer of 2008 when Russia was brutally putting down an uprising in Georgia? Remember how John McCain and the Republican Party kept thumping their chest and sabre rattling? Remember when John McCain pronounced (in his best Reagan impression) "We are all Georgians today."

Well apparently the "we all" didn't include McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis.

Apparently Rick Davis, who did a great job of turning a respected U.S. Senator into a dud of a Presidential Candidate, has decided to seek his fortune abroad by helping the Russians in their attempts to stop Ukraine's "Orange Revolution."

From Politico:

The firm of John McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, is poised to pull off a major victory in the Ukraine, bringing to power the pro-Russian, anti-Western former prime minister whose victory five years ago was thrown out as fraudulent triggered the country's "Orange Revolution" five years ago.

Seriously, this is just another great example of Republican hypocrisy in action. To the Republican Party words like "Freedom" and "Democracy" are just buzz words to be used in the same sentence as "Terrorism" and "9/11" during fear-mongering stump speeches during campaign season.

Absolutely disgusting.

For a party that channels Ronald Reagan every chance they get these days, what do you think the Gipper would say about this, Mr. Davis?

The only thing that we may be able to take solace in here is that if Davis works the same magic for his candidate in Ukraine as he did for Senator McCain, the Orange Revolution may just live on.

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